Water Jacket

As the cylinder liner and the cylinder cover is equipped with water jackets to cool down the unit, the o-ring band areas which are sealing the water from leaking is wearing out due to water corrosion.
Matra offers reconditioning by laser cladding as the water jacket’s material is cast iron.

Water Jacket

As the cylinder liner and the cylinder cover is equipped with water jackets to cool down the unit, the o-ring band areas which are sealing the water from leaking is wearing out due to water corrosion.
Matra offers reconditioning by laser cladding as the water jacket’s material is cast iron.

Water Jacket

As the cylinder liner and the cylinder cover is equipped with water jackets to cool down the unit, the o-ring band areas which are sealing the water from leaking is wearing out due to water corrosion.
Matra offers reconditioning by laser cladding as the water jacket’s material is cast iron.